Feb 7, 2017

Agile Swift

Agile Swift

Agile Swift, released by Apress and available for purchase and digital download at Apress and Amazon.com, details Swift Programming Using Agile Tools and Techniques.

Make your Swift apps agile and sound with this short step by step guide. You’ll learn about unit testing, mocking and continuous integration and how to get these key ingredients running in your Swift projects. This book also looks at how to write your Swift apps using test driven development

“With the introduction of the Swift language, we expect to see many more developers working on iOS platform.” explained Agile Swift author and RIIS, LLC founder Godfrey Nolan. “With this title in-hand, developers can leverage the agile capabilities to implement the classic Agile Testing Pyramid and drive a host of efficiencies and improvements on the Swift platform.”

Swift developers, architects and IT leaders across industries will benefit from the lessons presented in the book.

Agile Swift joins Nolan’s previous titles Agile AndroidBulletproof AndroidDecompiling AndroidAndroid Best Practices and Decompiling Java.