

Skyward provides a complete and connected drone program solution

Skyward provides a complete and connected drone program solution

Case Study

Case Study

Now known as Verizon Robotics.

Skyward provides complete drone program solutions, which includes and focuses on the ability to quickly and safely schedule missions and access airspace. Notably, Skyward was the first company to make LAANC requests and approvals accessible via mobile devices. This is a significant improvement from the traditional paper-based task that could take weeks, as it now takes only seconds.

Safely accessing government restricted airspace no longer requires any paper or ugly interfaces.

RIIS partnered with Skyward to expand mobile device access by developing an Android app. This app builds upon the existing feature set while also expanding and improving it. The ultimate goal is to improve customer satisfaction, increase marketability, and scale the size of projects and clients.

Conducting a tower survey has never been easier thanks to a step by step orbit automation setup.

Our team completed the Android app and introduced exciting new features to the entire platform. These include cellular controls, automated flights, and support for multi-day operations.

Our role:

Product Design, Development, Business Analysis, Project Management

Our team:

Adam Naglich, Jihyun Hahn, Hunter James, Nick Donnelly, John Woodgate, Seamus Sloan, Thomas Kocik Jr., Luke Justice


2020 - 2022

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